Sunday 1 January 2017

Happy New Year 2017

Assalamualaikum & hi!

It saddens me that I'm getting used to neglect this blog. Aww man! Where has all the gusto gone? :( The last post was on 06/12 & a lot of things had happened ever since, even before it. I've so many things to share tapi banyak berkesudahan bercerita di Instagram sahaja. Tsk!

In the meantime, I'm wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2017. May 2017 be a year of happiness to everyone reading this despite the chaos happening in some parts of the world. Mohon didoakan juga kesejahteraan & keselamatan saudara-saudara Islam kita di seluruh dunia & keharmonian negara kita yang tercintaaa haih pening sis bila cakap pasal negara sendiri ini. Amin!

My 2016 2017 resolutions are to be updated later. Tak sempat nak fikir lagi. Mungkin recycle resolutions tahun-tahun lepas sahaja. Jimat

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